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Boot Camp 2025

Staged Performances

Death by Aria Concert

Great American Songbook Evening

Private Vocal Coaching

Role Preparation
Master Classes 

Audition  Technique

 Agent Forum
Career Planning

Music as Business

Summer 2025

July 6 - July 20, 2025



Does operatic acting mean you stand in one place while singing? Could it also involve overacting because you are singing in a foreign language while struggling to get the text across to the audience? Does it suggest an acting technique that is somehow different from the spoken theater?


Opera means beautiful singing, but Opera, by definition, is a play set to music.  We believe there should be no difference in the acting technique employed by the spoken actor or by the singing actor. The iconic Constantin Stanislavski believed Opera singers should "combine the art of living a role with its musical form and the technique of singing" (Stanislavski on Opera).


The purpose of the ROLE workshop is to lay the foundation of the singing actor's craft. It features exercises and techniques to help you prepare to enter the mind and body of a character, develop the character through the historical and musical setting of the work, understand recitative (if applicable), and analyze the text as you prepare roles from the standard operatic repertory.


By the end of this program, you should answer the Who, What, Where, When, and Why of your character. Once you learn to answer these questions you can open your mind to understanding of the text and how these answers propel your character's actions and reactions.  

A Typical Day at SAS Opera Bootcamp

    10:30am – 11:00am Morning Breakout for Faculty

    11:00am - 12:30 - Text Preparation/Recitative Study 

   12:30 – 12:45 - Break

    12:45pm - 2:00pm - Coaching and Various events

    2:00pm-3:00pm - Lunch Break

    3:00pm-7:00pm - Rehearsal for concert/opera

7:00pm - 9:30pm  - Masterclasses


This program includes:

  •     coaching of repertoire carefully selected based on your voice type, experience level, and approval of your voice teacher. IMPORTANT: THERE IS NO TEACHING OF VOCAL TECHNIQUE. 

  • Role preparation including: 

  • language and diction

  • translation of text

  • research the literary and musical styles

  • the correct singing of recitatives

  • improvisation and acting for singers 

  • stage deportment 

  • dramatic role preparation, learning how to live your character. 

  • Audition Preparati

  • Agent Consultation 


Faculty members Music Director, collaborative pianist, language coach, and stage director will guide the participants through the linguistic, dramatic, musical style, and vocal demands of each role that they are to prepare. All participants will also receive private coaching. Rehearsal and coaching are an integral part of this program.



This program features intensive study of complete operas from the standard repertoire. Our focus will be to allow the participants to discover and develop the character of a complete role, understanding how to sing recitative freely, and investigating your character and their part in the drama.  The participants will begin with the music followed by complete blocking of the opera. We study the score and the text to find the relationship between the characters and how they relate to the drama, the time-period of the drama, as well as the composition and the emotional and /or spiritual motivations of the characters.​​

REPERTOIRE FOR THE 2025 All Mozart PROGRAM (Subject to change)

Mozart: Cosi fan tutte.

Ravel: L'efant et les Sortilieges

Death by Aria Concert  July 14, 2023

At the end of the program, participants will perform in a public performance.                                 

The SAS Opera Studio offers a performance driven workshop, ROLE (Repertory Onstage Learning Experience), designed for the aspiring professional opera singer whose goal is to become a complete artist. Our program will benefit all performers, regardless of their level of expertise and further the education and the development of each artist. Rehearsal and coaching are an integral part of the schedule.


Our staff will guide the performers through the linguistic, dramatic, and musical styles, in addition to the technical vocal demands of each of the roles that they have been assigned. A music director/rehearsal accompanist in addition to a stage director Productions include limited technical assistance, including costumes, lighting, props, and set pieces. All participants are required to attend all sessions. You are expected to arrive with a knowledge of the music as by the end of the workshop your part must be memorized and performance ready.    


Participants are also considered for performance opportunities in our Concert Opera programs.

The SAS Opera Studio offers a performance driven workshop, ROLE (Role Onstage Learning Experience), designed for the aspiring professional opera singer whose goal is to become a complete artist. Our program will benefit all performers, regardless of their level of expertise and further the education and the development of each artist. Rehearsal and coaching are an integral part of the schedule.


Participants are also considered for performance opportunities in our Concert Opera programs.


Faculty will include Founder, Artistic Director, and Coach Stephen Scovasso who will be offering acting sessions and character development.   Renowned Opera Coach and collaborative pianist Mary Pinto, Former Metropolitan Opera star Dr. Isola Jones, Metropolitan Opera and international Mezzo-Soprano KS Tichina Vaughn, and lyric Soprano/ Artists Manager Deborah Surdi will hold Masterclasses. Additional faculty to be announced.           



Summer Opera Workshop: $499.00 (Housing and meals not included).

Application fee: $25.00

Limited Scholarships available 


Please CLICK TO REGISTER for our application.


Application deadline has been extended to January 11, 2023.

Auditions to be held in January and February, 2023


For more information: (646) 858-9918


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Some of the artistic staff:

From left to righ:

Isola Jones - International Opera personality Performing Arts Founder and Artistic Director, Conductor, Coach, Director

Deborah Surdi - Coach, Director, Music as Business

Mary Pinto, renowned Coach and Collaborative Pianist

Isola Jones - International Opera personality

KS Tichina Vaughn - International Mezzo Soprano Opera personality

Faculty not complete as of 11/29/22

The SAS Performing Arts Company and Studios, Inc.

P.O. Box 200144

Newark, NJ  07102

Telephone: (646) 858-9918

© 2024 SAS Performing Arts Company and Studio, Inc.

SAS Performing Arts Company and Studio, Inc. is a proud member of OPERA AMERICA, The New York Opera Alliance, and The New York Alliance of Resident Theatres.

SAS Performing Arts Company and Studios, Inc. is recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation by the IRS.

Some of our programs are made possible by funds from the Essex County Division of Cultural Affairs, a partner of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, the City of Newark, Division of Arts and Cultural Affairs, and TD Bank.

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